Friday, January 6, 2012

Facebook Announcement for People who can't access facebook

Post by JeeHoon:

Discussion on 6/1/2012

1. We've come to conclusion that we're going to do a normal demonstration so it can be much easier than situational one.

2. Here's the general list of roles that members are in for Demo:
- Pattern : Kevin, Siah Wei, Ryan, Darshan, Mason
- Unarmed combat : Siah Wei, Hao En, Valery (this is going 2 be fun :D)
- Destruction : Nicholas, Yong Jie, Aziel, Chinni, Yong Lin, Sherwin.

This is a general list, we're going to change the role if we have to, depends on our situation, so please be aware and cooperate if should there be any change in the role.

This is really important as we can't have a demo without a BGM. It will be boring. so if there's any good song for demo please share it on the group. THIS COMES FIRST BEFORE ANY DEMO PLANNING SINCE WE ARE GOING TO USE MUSIC TO KEEP OUR TIMING AND PLAN OUT THE MOVEMENTS SO DO SEARCH THIS FIRST BEFORE ANY PLANNING. My personal opinion is that song must be an engaging one, i'll try to find some example or my choices up on the group, you can refer to it and find some. It will be very good if it is K-pop since TKD is from Korea, it'll be a matching set. However, the choice depends on you, so it doesn't really have to be K-pop, it can be other songs so do not worry and feel free to share them and we'll decide by voting on this group to save our time.

4. Basic plannings for demo:
I will ask for plastic planks to Mr Dennis, we should buy few to practice destruction. I'm not sure on the date for CCA day, if i can, i'll ask Mr Dennis or Mr Jerome Tan for the date and tell you. For the pattern, you can choose to either make on your own or copy few moves from the recorded ones on the youtube. However, I do not want you to copy everything. Try to find few moves from different videos and combine together and modify to make it into ours. If there is any good examples of it, you can find and share it in the group to use it as reference while planning the moves. For unarmed combat, consult Sir Lee for few moves and also you can learn it from internet and combine them together.

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